
2007 October 26

Created by maggie 16 years ago
yesterday while creating this website, it kind of made me realize. my cousin is gone. he has passed. since May 24th I have thought that he was just in hiding, or not calling me, but yesterday it hit me, hard. I hope this tribute, once its at a point where i give out the web adress to everyone, is help and not a hendrance, i want this to be a place where friends and family of Ben's can read about him, and write what they are feeling, and maybe that will help, i know it has allready started to help me, i picked up a book today on dealing with grief, and hopefully, im praying that i will be able to get though this very rough patch that im in. thanks to all who are viewing this, it means a lot to me, and i know it would have meant alot the Ben too. thanks again, maggie